
Archive for the ‘jruby’ Category

Running cucumber on JRuby+Maven

October 29, 2008 8 comments

Cucumber is an interesting offshoot of the popular BDD tool Rspec developed by Aslak Hellesoy. Cucumber executes plain-text feature specifications against code implementing those features and verifies it. Take a look at the cucumber examples to understand what this means in practice.

This post explains how you can configure it to write specifications for a Java project using Maven and JRuby.

1. Add JRuby as a dependency in your POM:


2. Configure the exec-maven-plugin to run cucumber during integration-test phase.


3. Configure a profile to install cucumber if it is not already locally available:


4. Create a file named Rakefile as a sibling of your pom.xml, with the following contents:

require 'cucumber/rake/task' do |t|
  t.cucumber_opts = "--format pretty"

5. Running

mvn integration-test

should run cucumber now on your project. Cucumber looks for feature specifications to run in the features directory.

Please see this maven project for a test project configured with cucumber.

Categories: jruby, maven, ruby, tech